According to a new research report from the analyst firm Berg Insight, the market value for lone worker protection solutions and services in Europe and North America reached € 120 million and € 75 million respectively in 2022.
In Europe and North America, the market value is anticipated to grow to € 150 million and € 105 million respectively by 2027.
Berg Insight estimates that the user base of lone worker safety solutions in Europe and North America was 1.5 million at the end of 2022. In Europe, the number of users is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 7.4 percent from 985,000 at the end of 2022 to reach over 1.4 million at the end of 2027. The North American market is anticipated to grow by a CAGR of 13.1 percent, from 505,000 users at the end of 2022 to 935,000 users at the end of 2027.
The lone worker safety solutions market in Europe and North America is served by various companies offering hardware devices, software solutions and alarm monitoring and response services. The majority of the solution providers on the market today focus on software services and only a few companies also develop dedicated lone worker devices and operate their own Alarm Receiving Centre.
The UK market is the largest and most mature lone worker market in Europe and North America, followed by the Canadian market. Legislation specifically addressing the safety of lone workers has fostered growth in these two countries. Many of the largest vendors of lone worker protection devices and services also originate from these regions. Leading players in the UK include PeopleSafe, Totalmobile, StaySafe, PanicGuard, Orbis Protect, SoloProtect, Reliance High-Tech, Vismo, Vatix and Oysta Technology.
Leading vendors in Canada are Tsunami Solutions, Blackline Safety and Aware360. Additional vendors in Europe and North America include Beepiz, Uepaa, AddSecure, Adresys, Becklar, Secure2Go, Crystal Alarm, Cuebly, First2HelpYou, LONEALERT, Pick Protection, AlertGPS, Becklar, Track24, Neovigie, OnGuard, Intellinium, Safepoint, Vecima Networks, Traxxs, Terracom and My Angel.
A number of companies focus on developing lone worker protection devices that can be used by solution providers, including ACR Electronics, Amigo Alarm, Garmin, Globalstar, MAGNETA, SAVV, Scandinavian Radio Technology, Teltonika, Twig Com and ZOLEO.
“The lone worker safety solution market in Europe and North America continues to grow as more companies and organisations understand the value these solutions bring”, says Martin Backman, Principal Analyst at Berg Insight.
The main drivers for adoption are new lone worker safety regulations, higher employee insurance costs, greater awareness of the risks that lone workers face, as well as a better understanding of efficiency benefits associated with lone worker protection services.
Mr. Backman continues:
“The transition to app-based solutions continues in both Europe and North America as the cost of implementation is significantly lower compared to dedicated lone worker devices”
In the past few years, a number of new satellite communicator devices that can be paired with smartphones have been launched. These make it possible for workers to use the lone worker app also outside of cellular network coverage.
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